I hope everyone is well, today I am writing to ask for your help with the following problem, I have seen in wikipedia the following pseudocode for the algorithm a *.
A*_search algorithm
and I have programmed it in mathematica in the following manner, my doubt arises when interpreting the if, i would like to comment on me if well-written are the if in my code.
astar[start_List] := Module[{goal, inter, closedset, openset, camefrom, gscore, , minimum, current, neighbornodes, k,tentativegscore},
goal = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 0}};
closedset = {};
openset = {start};
camefrom = {};
gscore[start] := 0;
fscore[start_] := gscore[start] + manhattan[start];
While[openset != {},
inter = fscore /@ start;
minimum = Position[inter, Min[inter]];
current = openset[[minimum]];
If[current == goal,
reconstructpath[camefrom, goal];
openset = DeleteCases[openset, current];
AppendTo[closedset, current];
(*neighbor_nodes(current) for me it is the same as mutacion[current] then*);
neighbornodes = mutacion[current];
For[k = 1, k <= Length[neighbornodes], k++,
(*line 18*)
If[FreeQ[closedset, neighbornodes[[k]], Infinity],
tentativegscore =
gscore[current] +
ManhattanDistance[current, neighbornodes[[k]]]];
If[FreeQ[openset, neighbornodes[[k]], Infinity] \[Or]
tentativegscore < gscore[neighbornodes[[k]]],
camefrom[neighbornodes[[k]]] = current;
gscore[neighbornodes[[k]]] = tentativegscore;
fscore[neighbornodes[[k]]] =
gscore[neighbornodes[[k]]] + manhattan[neighbornodes[[k]]] ;
If[FreeQ[openset, neighbornodes[[k]], Infinity],
AppendTo[openset, neighbornodes[[k]]]]]
Thanks in advance