The result of a computation I am doing returns a list of vectors some of which are either the reverse or the negative or the negative reverse of others. For my purposes, these reversed, negative, or negative reversed vectors are equivalent to the original and I would like to delete them. An example of my result is
Out[26]= {{-0.23944, -0.557541, -0.777604, -0.164769},
{0.23944, 0.557541, 0.777604, 0.164769},
{-0.164769, -0.777604, -0.557541, -0.23944},
{0.164769, 0.777604, 0.557541, 0.23944},
{0.0605099, 0.365047, 0.6618, 0.651997},
{-0.0605099, -0.365047, -0.6618, -0.651997},
{-0.651997, -0.6618, -0.365047, -0.0605099},
{0.651997, 0.6618, 0.365047, 0.0605099}}
I would like to collapse this list to yield only
Out[26]= {{-0.23944, -0.557541, -0.777604, -0.164769},
{0.0605099, 0.365047, 0.6618, 0.651997}}
where negatives, reversals, and negative reversals are eliminated. Does anyone have any idea how I can do this?