There were several parts to my question. Keep in mind that I have been using Mathematica only for a few days and am learning the basics.
- As far as GeoLabels functions usage: There are examples that show the use of functions using Tooltip and Annotation.
I took Tooltip as my building block and modified it to Inset.
There is an example (GeoLabels Documentation;; look under Scope). This example plots Atlanta, Savannah, and Naples.
I modified the GeoLabels to GeoLabels -> (Inset[#2, #2] &)] and that did the trick.
The Inset option output in my example is equivalent to what you get with setting GeoLabels -> True but with Inset I can set strings, and embed other types of objects. I have not had time to try more involved constructs
The second part of my question has to deal with embedding values directly within my plot. I chose to do that by using shapedate and constructing a Graphics function. In the example below putnamcounty has polygon information. The Text value is an arbitrary value that I want to associate with putnamcounty, and the coords are the Geoposition data for a point within the polygon parted to provide lat, long coordinates. My initial attempts at passing coordinates to Text were frustrating because of mismatch between coordinate systems till I realized it and used Geoposition to provide that.
Graphics[{{LightGray}, putnamcounty, Frame -> True, FontColor -> Red,
Text[50, {coord[[1]], coord[[2]]}]}]
So did I solve my problem completely? Not really as I have not put together the entire puzzle but I believe I have all the parts necessary to assemble it.
I'd appreciate receiving additional information from those who are more sophisticated users than me.