I was trying to solve a simple equation using variables with units as follows:
Module[{n = 1.46, \[Lambda] = Quantity[ 630 10^-9, "Meters"],
Tf = Quantity[1400, "Kalvin"], \[Beta]T =
UnitConvert[Quantity[6.8 10^-12, "Centimeters" ^2/"Dynes"],
"Meters" ^2/(("Kilograms" "Meters")/("Seconds")^2)],
Kb = UnitConvert[Quantity[1, "Poltzmann constant"]]},
\[Alpha]Scat = (8 \[Pi]^3)/(
3 \[Lambda]^4) (n^2 - 1) Kb Tf \[Beta]T], (
"Kilometers")^-1] // UnitSimplify
When the previous code is executed, it seems that UnitSimplify can't cancel the Kalvin dimension in the resulting unit. It would be helpful if somebody can explain this.