Hi I'm Giovanni and I 'm a new user.I want to ask you why when i try to resolve my ODE of circular membrane in circular coordinate placed in a centre of circular membrane:
DSolve[{w''[r] + (1/r) w'[r] + p == 0, w[R] == 0, w'[0] == 0}, w[r], r]
r=indipendent variable ,w = spostament membrane ,p=uniform pression R= radius of circular membrane and I impone my boundary condition ,
in Mathematica 10 as out ,appears to me an error :
"DSolve::deqn: Equation or list of equations expected instead of True in the first argument {p+w'[r]/r+w''[r]==0,w[R]==0,True}. "
What I'm wrong??? I try the error but i don't understand the error...I hope I was clear. In the image is the first line.