Thank you Marco ,
in fact I want to know how you import a new database into Mathematica ,exactly like the Mathematica Team have done in the example you've showed me Marco ,
the MNIST Database .
ExampleData[{"MachineLearning", "MNIST"}]
You can discover the source of this Database forexample by:
In[2]:= ExampleData[{"MachineLearning", "MNIST"}, "Source"]
Out[2]= " 'The MNIST Database of handwritten digits', Y. LeCun, C. \
Cortes and C.J.C. Burges,"
You can visit the given link:
Four files are available on this site:
train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz: training set images (9912422 bytes)
train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz: training set labels (28881 bytes)
t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz: test set images (1648877 bytes)
t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz: test set labels (4542 bytes)
Marco, I want to know how to import the data contained in these set of files into Mathematica in an efficient short way.
Once I know the right method to do that, I will try to import other Databases - especially if they contain huge sets of data - into Mathematica for Machine Learning applications offered by Mathematica.
Again, In order to achieve this I want to know how Mathematica Team have managed to do this work of importing these kind of huge Databases shown in ExampleData.
I don't know if the idea is clear.
thanks again.