Hi I am trying to import a dataset from an HDF5 file, but the dataset is ~3 gb in size, so I cannot just open it directly. I need to import parts of the dataset, reduce that part to a single number (take the sum of all its elements), keep that number, move to the next part, and so on.
It seems that I cannot open part of a dataset even if I use: Import["file.h5", {"HDF5", "Datasets",1,1,1}]]
This will return the first part, of the first part, of the first dataest, but it seems to still open the entire dataset, which causes the operation to crash.
My though was to do something like:
data = Table[Total@Import["file.h5",{"HDF5","Datasets",1,1,n}]
But I am stuck at getting the Import[] to work. I get this error:
" Unable to communicate with closed link \
LinkObject[\!\(\"\\\"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Wolfram \
Binaries\\\\Windows-x86-64\\\\HDF5.exe\\\"\"\),7137,4"] "
I can open smaller datasets and parts of the smaller datasets with no problem.
Any thoughts on how to access just a part of a large dataset so it doesn't crash the import process?