This gets you all of the metadata directly available to Mathematica:
Import["ExampleData/rule30.wav", #] & /@ {"AudioChannels",
"AudioEncoding", "SampleRate"}
And this gets you the number of samples:
Length[Import["ExampleData/rule30.wav", "Data"][[1]]]
Bits per sample is a bit more complex, but I think this should be what you're looking for:
N[(Length[Import["ExampleData/rule30.wav", "Bit"]])/(Length[
Import["ExampleData/rule30.wav", "Data"][[1]]])]
I don't know if there are any import limits or restrictions in M8, but M10 loads an 18mb file without a hitch. It's probably either the older version or some kind of memory problem on your computer. Could you post the message Mathematica fails with?