I have a Raspberry Pi connected via USB cable to an Arduino Duemanilove. The Arduino is running the "firmata" sketch, so that it monitors the serial connection and waits for commands. When I run the Processing language on the RPi, I am able to send serial commands to the Arduino to turn on/off any of the Arduino's digital I/O lines.
I'd like to do the same thing from Wolfram Language on the RPi, but I am unable to figure out how to do this. I'd like to use DeviceOpen[ ] to open the serial port "/dev/ttyUSB0" with baud rate 57600, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. But DeviceOpen[ ] seems to accept only 2 arguments. I can get this line to apparently work:
I am unsure what baud rate the serial port is being opened with. DeviceConfigure[ ] for some reason does not support serial ports.