Excellent answer. But a college student in discrete math class will quickly be overwhelmed by matrix algebra, Boolean algebra and sets, lists (of vectors), arrays (lists of lists) and what not when all we need is the p's and q's and those simple story problems like the ones in the textbook. . . p, q . . . if p then q . . . if p and q then r . . . NOT p . . . a whole table of T (true) and F (false) . Becky goes to a party, and Bob is a vegetarian. If Becky meets Stan (who is Not a vegetarian) then Bob and Stacy will have dinner with Stan. Not.
In my case I have been working for some time trying to create a story problem for the classic Epsilon Delta definition of a limit You land on an island, meet "Epsilon" and "Delta" and ask the following question . . . Do you know the "Limit"?
Any thoughts?