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Plotting 1/x on x-axis

hello, i want to plot resistivity vs 1/T on the x-axis. how do I achieve this in Mathematica 10? enter image description here

5 Replies

actually you are right. the 1/T axis data points do increase from left to right.

ultimately, I want to fit the (natural logarithm of the) data rho_xx on the y-axis as a function of 1/T, not as a function of T. The upper x-axis is great, but can it also be used for fitting data?

I also have defined some functions that I want to plot as a function of 1/T, not T. I guess you can only achieve this by taking the function and replacing T with its reciprocal 1/T (variable substitution).


actually, if you compare your figure with the graph I uploaded you see the difference... I would like to plot on the x-axis 1/T going from low value on the left (high T) to high value on the right (low T). yes, it would be nice to match on the upper x-axis the T corresponding to the 1/T value on the lower x-axis. this might not be possible in mathematica, I think the x-axis always should go from low to high values towards the right. if anybody knows, please assist. laurens

Plot[Sin[1/T], {T, 1, 100}, Axes -> False, Frame -> True, FrameTicks -> {{Automatic, Automatic}, {Automatic, Transpose[{#, 1/#}] &@ DeleteCases[FindDivisions[{1, 100}, 10], 0]}}, FrameLabel -> {{"rho_xx (Ohm-cm)", ""}, {"T (K)", "1/T (1/K)"}}, BaseStyle -> 18]

enter image description here

Posted 10 years ago

Not sure what do you mean, 1/T is gowing from left to right. Both, in your question images and in my answer.

POSTED BY: Kuba Podkalicki
Posted 10 years ago

I'm not sure what you are after. Is this helpful?

Plot[Sin[1/x], {x, .1, 10},
   Axes -> False,
   Frame -> True, 
   FrameTicks -> {{Automatic, Automatic}, {Automatic,  Transpose[{#, 1/#}] &@DeleteCases[FindDivisions[{.1, 10}, 5], 0]}},
   FrameLabel -> {{"f", ""}, {"1/t", "t"}},
   BaseStyle -> 18]

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Kuba Podkalicki
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