I think your algor is doing the following:
it takes the whole set of files.* and transform it in a new set with dirs: ...\\PTMIMAG, and then it tries to convert the old set:.....\\astronomia\\... to this former, but it does no longer exist. (i tried also set delay )
Now I have done some changes:
and at least it does not show error for path:
imagconjunto =
FileNames[{"*.bmp", "*.col", ".*col.b", "*.gv", "*.dot", "*.gif",
"*.g6", "*.gml", "*.graphml", "*.grb", ".*grib", ".*gxl",
"*.jpeg", "*.jpg", "*.jp2", "*.j2k", ".*jvx", "*.png", "*.pict",
"*.ppm", "*.tiff", "*.tif",
"*.vtk"}, {"C:\\Users\\Marcelo\\Dropbox\\astronomia"},
Infinity] // InputForm // ToString;
"C:\\Users\\Marcelo\\Dropbox\\astronomia\\" ->
"C:\\Users\\Marcelo\\Pictures\\PTMIMAG\\"]] & /@
FileNames[{"*.bmp", "*.col", ".*col.b", "*.gv", "*.dot", "*.gif",
"*.g6", "*.gml", "*.graphml", "*.grb", ".*grib", ".*gxl",
"*.jpeg", "*.jpg", "*.jp2", "*.j2k", ".*jvx", "*.png", "*.pict",
"*.ppm", "*.tiff", "*.tif",
"*.vtk"}, {"C:\\Users\\Marcelo\\Dropbox\\astronomia"}, Infinity]
$Failed, $Failed, $Failed, $Failed, $Failed, $Failed, $Failed, \
$Failed, $Failed, $Failed, $Failed, $Failed, $Failed, $Failed, \
$Failed, $Failed, $Failed, $Failed, $Failed,