I have the data of 1000 pictures where every picture size is 256x256. I try to display these pictures with their Fourier transform in pairs as ArrayPlots. If I just do the pictures, or just the Fourier transforms, Mathematica does not crash and shows 1000 pictures. When I pair them up then it crashes very quickly although there is plenty of RAM available. From the attached crash log it looks to me that not everything is 64 bit, so something hits hard the 4GB 32-bit limit. Then the OS simply kills Mathematica. The list name is plots
, nRow
and nCol
are 256
. I tried with Table
too and that crashed too. Any good suggestions how to get around? I really would like to see them in pairs.
ParallelTable[{ArrayPlot[plots[[i, 1]], ImageSize -> Tiny ,
PlotLabel -> {plots[[i, 2]], plots[[i, 3]], plots[[i, 4]],
plots[[i, 5]] }],
RotateRight[Fourier[plots[[i, 1]]], Floor[({nRow, nCol} - 1)/2] ]*
RotateRight[Fourier[plots[[i, 1]]],
Floor[({nRow, nCol} - 1)/2] ]], ImageSize -> Tiny ,
PlotLabel -> {plots[[i, 2]], plots[[i, 3]], plots[[i, 4]],
plots[[i, 5]] }]}, {i, 1, Length[plots]}]