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Not sure how to word a fairly complicated data request

Posted 10 years ago


I want to find out how many cities on earth had a population greater than one million people in 1994. I've found I can ask for the number of cities that meet that criteria today without a problem, and I can query individual city's populations for 1994, but Wolfram keeps getting stuck at the combination request. Does anyone know how to approach the grammar to make it clear to the parser what I'm intending to ask?

Thanks! d

POSTED BY: Dylan Hendricks
8 Replies
Posted 10 years ago


POSTED BY: Dylan Hendricks


no idea for WolframAlpha, but it seems to be working in the Wolfram Language.

countriespop1994 = {CommonName[#], CountryData[#, {"Population", 1994}]} & /@ CountryData[] //TableForm

The first lines of the output look like this:

enter image description here

If you need that data, you could open up a free (!) WolframCloud account and use the Wolfram language there. For your convenience I have attached the file with the data in csv format



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

Hi Marco, Thanks for your information, but is there a way to count this data (population) in MM?


POSTED BY: Jos Klaps

Hi Jos,

I am not quite sure what you mean by count. Once you have the population sizes you can to anything you want with them. They do come as a quantity with unit ("people"), so if you want just the plain counting numbers you can use:

MapAt[QuantityMagnitude, countriespop1994, {All, 2}]

The countries for which the population size is unknown can be dealt with using:

MapAt[QuantityMagnitude, Select[countriespop1994, NumberQ[QuantityMagnitude[#[[2]]]] & ], {All, 2}]

Once you have done that you should be able to count these numbers, add them up etc.

I am not sure though whether that answers your question.



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

Hi Marco, Thanks for your reply. What I'm looking for is the total numbers of population of all listed countries (countriespop1994) by counting (Quantity) the number of people in total.


POSTED BY: Jos Klaps

Hi Jos,

do you mean:

Total@Select[QuantityMagnitude /@ countriespop1994[[All, 2]], NumberQ]



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
POSTED BY: Jos Klaps
Posted 10 years ago

I'm actually looking for city populations, a list that I imagine would be too long to generate without filtering. Wolfram is capable of generating a list of 608 cities that currently have a population over 1 million, it would work if I could even run this same list of cities through a query of 1994 population, and filter out those below a million. But I'm not sure how to extend an existing query like that. Any advice? (even a link to the list of known data structures that you reference above would be helpful)

Thanks, d

POSTED BY: Dylan Hendricks
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