Hi all, I write for a little help, I have the function
y^2 = x and I turned it to its polar form by the following steps
ini = y^2 == x /. {x -> r*Cos[x], y -> r*Sin[x]} ;
conv = Replace[r, Solve[ini, r]][[2]];
PolarPlot[Cot[t] Csc[t], {t, 0, 2 Pi},
PlotRange -> {{0, 80}, {-10, 10}}]
Then attempt to convert it to its form parametric from the polar form but the plot is where the problem arises
conv*Cos[x] (* This is x[t]*)
conv*Sin[x] (* This is y[t]*)
The problem is the graph the equations parametric I have obtained, someone could tell me please do that I'm doing wrong?
ParametricPlot[{Cot[t]^2, Cot[t]}, {t, 0, 2 Pi}]
Thanks in advance.