Hey guys,
I have some problems with an optimization problem. I have many different constraints, the easiest one is for example:
-Cos[x1]^4 + Cos[x1]^2 Sin[x1]^2 (Cos[x2]^2 - Sin[x2]^2 Sin[x3]^2 (Cos[x4]^2 + Cos[x5]^2 Sin[x4]^2)) + Sin[x1]^4 (-Cos[x2]^4 + Cos[x2]^2 Sin[x2]^2 (Cos[x3]^2 - 1/8 (6 + 10 Cos[2 x4] + Cos[2 (x4 - x5)] - 2 Cos[2 x5] + Cos[2 (x4 + x5)]) Sin[x3]^2) + Cos[x4]^2 Sin[x2]^4 Sin[x3]^2 (Cos[x3]^2 + Sin[x3]^2 (-Cos[x4]^2 + Sin[x4]^2 Sin[x5]^2)) - Cos[x2] Cos[x4] Cos[ x6 - x7 + x8] Sin[x2]^3 Sin[x3]^3 Sin[x4]^2 Sin[2 x5])==0
Since these constraints get more complicated, mathematica is not able to solve it anymore (even numerically). Therefore I want to try to approximate the constraints first.
But I'm not sure how. The variables go all from 0 to Pi.
Got anyone an idea how to interpolate functions like that?
Best Michael