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Performance of evaluation ListPlot call in Wolfram

Posted 10 years ago

Looking for some tips on how to improve the evaluation time of ListPlot in wolfram programming cloud. I am trying to plot 4 lists each of size 85K elements. But when I use ListPlot it seems to take for ever and timesout as my processing limit is only 10min. I consider it strange that it takes such long time to just plot. Any one faced similar issue who can provide come suggestions?

POSTED BY: Muralidhar Dixit
3 Replies


could you please post your code. I have just plotted 4 lists of 85K points in the Cloud using ListPlot and it runs in about 2.43 seconds.

enter image description here

In fact if I run the same functions on my iMac it takes longer - about 3.2 seconds:

enter image description here

This actually is a bit annoying for me now, but shows that the Cloud actually runs quite efficiently. You might by the way also want to have a look at Stephen Wolfram's latest Blog post. In summary, I cannot reproduce your problem.



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
Posted 10 years ago

Is it possible that the arrays are being generated in real time so that the ListPlot[Table[....]] process is getting hung up on the Table generation?

POSTED BY: Luther Nayhm


no idea. This is why it would be useful to have the original code. I have run it using the construct that you suggest, i.e. ListPlot[Table[]], and it is very fast, too. If, of course, time consuming calculations are run to generate the time series, and if they are coded into ListPlot, that could give the impression, that ListPlot was slow.

Anyway, the mere plotting using ListPlot is quite fast in the Cloud.



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
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