Hi All,
I consistently observe that mathematica is not able to simplify a few expressions that are quite obvious to human eye. I tried Simplify, FullSimplify, and other such functions.
For instance, Simplify[128 d^2 + 412 d g - 49 g^2 - 256 d m - 412 g m + 128 m^2 + 412 d w - 98 g w - 412 m w - 49 w^2] FullSimplify[ 128 d^2 + 412 d g - 49 g^2 - 256 d m - 412 g m + 128 m^2 + 412 d w - 98 g w - 412 m w - 49 w^2]
give the same expression 128 d^2 + 412 d g - 49 g^2 - 256 d m - 412 g m + 128 m^2 + 412 d w - 98 g w - 412 m w - 49 w^2, though one can easily see that it could be written more simply as 128(d-m)^2 - 49(g+w)^2 +....
Can anyone suggest the appropriate command to use to attain this simplification?