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Are the logical expressions returned by Reduce always satisfiable ?

6 Replies

Are the logical expressions returned by Reduce always satisfiable ?

POSTED BY: Simon Cadrin

If there's no solution, Reduce will return False.

In[6]:= eqs = {2 x + 3 y <= 5, x - 2 y >= 1, 1 <= x <= 10, 
   1 <= y <= 10};

In[7]:= res = Reduce[eqs, {x, y}]

Out[7]= False
POSTED BY: Frank Kampas

Are the logical expressions returned by Reduce always satisfiable ?

POSTED BY: Simon Cadrin

My wonder is when Reduce returns an answer different from True or False. For example, when Reduce returns something like this : enter image description here

Can such expressions returned by Reduce be unsatisfiable ? Or are they always satisfiable ?

If I understand your question correctly, the results are always satisfiable. If the input to Reduce is inconsistent, it returns False.

POSTED BY: Frank Kampas

Thank you

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