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Could any one plz help me out?

Posted 9 years ago

Hi, i'm not able to convert the system of linear equations into an augmented matrix. Could you please help me out? Regards

eqns = {Subscript[x, 1] + Subscript[x, 2] - 2 Subscript[x, 3] == 1,

3 Subscript[x, 1] + 2 Subscript[x, 2] + 4 Subscript[x, 3] == -4,

4 Subscript[x, 1] + 3 Subscript[x, 2] + 3 Subscript[x, 3] == -4 };

POSTED BY: Muzahoo jee
2 Replies

Hi there,

I am not quite sure what you want to achieve. But this command might be useful:

Normal /@ CoefficientArrays[eqns]
(*{{-1, 4, 4}, {{1, 1, -2}, {3, 2, 4}, {4, 3, 3}}}*)

You can of course get all in one matrix:

Append[Transpose[#[[2]]], #[[1]]] &@ Normal[CoefficientArrays[eqns]]
(*{{1, 3, 4}, {1, 2, 3}, {-2, 4, 3}, {-1, 4, 4}}*)

Or, finally:

Transpose@Append[Transpose[#[[2]]], #[[1]]] & @ Normal[CoefficientArrays[eqns]]

enter image description here



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
Posted 9 years ago

Thanks a lot Marco I've found my desired result with your help. Regards

POSTED BY: Muzahoo jee
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