I'm having difficulty with RunScheduledTask. I'm working on a cooling project for a class and I am getting many more data points than I want. I used the project outline from this post: http://community.wolfram.com/groups/-/m/t/196759
temp := N[ ToExpression[ StringTake[ Import["/sys/bus/w1/devices/28-02146790bbff/w1_slave"], -5]]/ 1000]
wig = {} RunScheduledTask[(deg = temp; AppendTo[wig, deg]), {60, 60}]
I only need to read the temperature every 60 seconds and only need sixty repetitions, but when I evaluate wig, I get many more than that. As a result, it's scaling my ListLinePlot for visual analysis. Instead of the time axis only have 60 data points, some have 120+.
wig = {87., 86.562, 86.437, 85.312, 85., 84.75, 83.125, 82.937, 82.625, 81.625, 81.187, 80.937, 80.062, 79.875, 79.437, 78.5, 78., 77.937, 77.312, 77., 76.562, 76., 75.437, 75.312, 74.562, 74.25, 74., 73.375, 73.125, 72.937, 72.25, 71.875, 71.687, 71.062, 70.812, 70.625, 70.062, 69.75, 69.562, 69., 68.75, 68.5, 68., 67.812, 67.562, 67.062, 66.812, 66.687, 66.187, 65.875, 65.75, 65.25, 65., 64.875, 64.312, 64.187, 64., 63.562, 63.375, 63.187, 62.75, 62.5, 62.437, 61.937, 61.812, 61.562, 61.125, 61., 60.875, 60.437, 60.312, 60.187, 59.75, 59.625, 59.562, 59.125, 58.812, 58.687, 58.312, 58.125, 58., 57.75, 57.5, 57.375, 57., 56.875, 56.75, 56.437, 56.25, 56.125, 55.75, 55.625, 55.562, 55.187, 55.062, 54.937, 54.625, 54.5, 54.375, 54.062, 53.875, 53.812, 53.5, 53.375, 53.312, 53., 52.875, 52.812, 52.5, 52.375, 52.25, 52., 51.875, 51.75, 51.5, 51.375, 51.25, 51., 50.875, 50.812, 50.562, 50.437, 50.312, 50.125, 50., 49.875, 49.625, 49.562, 49.5, 49.25, 49.125, 49.062, 48.812, 48.687, 48.625, 48.375, 48.312, 48.187, 48.062, 47.875, 47.812, 47.562, 47.5, 47.437, 47.25, 47.125, 47., 46.812, 46.687, 46.687, 46.5, 46.375, 46.312, 46.125, 46., 45.937, 45.75, 45.625, 45.562, 45.375, 45.312, 45.25, 45.062, 45., 44.937, 44.75, 44.625, 44.562, 44.437, 44.312, 44.312, 44.062, 44., 43.937, 43.625, 43.312 };

Does anyone have any advice? I've attempting to contact my professor and have yet to hear back. I've also searched all over the internet for the solution and I can't find one. I'm desperate.