I've built my own function, but using it returns me Null which should not be,the function which I have built is as follows
RCL[sup_, inf_, alpha_, lista_] := Module[{down, up, w, sel},
down = Apply[Times, sup] -
0.4*(Apply[Times, sup] - Apply[Times, inf]);
up = Apply[Times, sup];
down <= Apply[Times, lista[[w]]] <= up, lista[[w]]],
{w, 1, Length[lista]}]
When used with the following data arises the problem that said, I hope someone can help me to understand this behavior
listin={{65, 80}, {65, 80}, {40, 40}, {40, 40}, {40, 40}, {25, 30}, {25,30}, {25, 30}, {25, 30}, {25, 30}};
RCL[{65, 80}, {25, 30}, 0.4, listin]
Out[2]:={{65, 80}, {65, 80}, Null, Null, Null, Null, Null, Null, Null, Null}
Thanks in advance