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Recursive function with no apparent recursive relationship

Posted 10 years ago


I would like to understand a code which is a recursive function with this kind of structure f[x, y] := {f[x], f[y]}. This case is present in the XMLNote function used in the help for "Transforming XML".

I have already spent time on the help to look for more about recursive functions. But, I have seen only recursive functions such as Pise[0] = Pise[1] = 1; Pise[n_] := Pise[n - 1] + Pise[n - 2] . In this case, I understand how the indentation is made that is to say how the term of index n is calculated from the terms of index n-1 and n-2.

But, for this kind of recursive function f[x, y] := {f[x], f[y]}, i don't understand how the indentation is made.

May you complete me this example/ or furnish me a small example so that I can see how this kind of recursion works ?

Thanks for your help

5 Replies

Alternatively one could make the statement:

Attributes[f] = Listable;

This works in the case that the lists contain more than two elements.


POSTED BY: Henrik Schachner
Posted 10 years ago

Perfectly clear. Thank you

Posted 10 years ago

Since {1, 2} is one argument, a list with two elements, you have to add another definition like f[{x_, y_}] := {f[x], f[y]}.

Or you can do this in one line if you want:

f[{x_, y_} | PatternSequence[x_, y_]] := {f[x], f[y]}
f[{1, 2}, {2, 3}]

{{f[1], f[2]}, {f[2], f[3]}}

POSTED BY: Kuba Podkalicki
Posted 10 years ago

Yes, i almost understand. Thank you for your clear explanation.

I only need to apply it on a simple example

When i evaluate f[2, 3], the result is {f[2], f[3]}. Logically, the recursive function stops because each function has only one argument.

But I evaluate f[{2, 3}, {3, 3}], the result is {f[{2, 3}], f[{3, 3}]}. I would like to Mathematica continue the indentation. I believe that it becomes i didn't use the syntax of the list well.

May you help me to correct my syntax so that I can test this kind of recursive function on a example ?

Thanks a lot for your help.

Posted 10 years ago

The function you've provided is not refering to itself basing on values of arguments that were provided but basing on the pattern that those arguments match*.

p.s. you probably wanted to write:

f[x_, y_]:= {f[x], f[y]}

So f refers to itself only when you provide two arguments. Then it is returning itself scanned over those arguments. And since for f acting on one argument are no associated values the recursion stops.

Is that clear?

POSTED BY: Kuba Podkalicki
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