I am trying to set the default directory in FileNameSetter.
If I simply do:FileNameSetter[$UserDocumentsDirectory]
hitting the Browse button will start in the the defined directory, but in the following code:
SetDirectory[ToFileName[{$HomeDirectory, "Desktop"}]];
DialogInput[{filename = ""},
Column[{"Either type your file name (in quotation marks and with the \
file extension) or browse for your file:",
InputField[Dynamic[filename], String,
FieldHint -> "Enter your file name"],
"Open", {"text files" -> {"*.txt"}}, Method -> "Preemptive"],
I can't figure out how to add a default directory option (in this case I would like: ToFileName[{$HomeDirectory, "Desktop"}]). Anywhere I add it seems to mess up the definition of FN[ct] and/or filename.
I would appreciate any advice you may be able to provide.