Hi everyone
There seems to be something unusual happening in this solve problem, when the power reaches 29 and above it either cant find a solution or there isn't a solution. I find it odd that this happens at this point, in some Solve problems I have done in the past has had many more digits than what is shown here. Can anyone shed any light on this? Thank you.
Clear[a, b, c, p, m, k]; Do[m = 2 p + 1;
k = Flatten[{a, b, c} /.
Solve[a + b == m^p && b + c == (m + 1)^p && a + c == (m + 2)^p &&
a > 0 && b > 0 && c > 0, {a, b, c}, Integers]];
Print[k[[1]], " + ", k[[2]] " = ", m, "^", p];
Print[k[[2]], " + ", k[[3]] " = ", m + 1, "^", p];
Print[k[[1]], " + ", k[[3]] " = ", m + 2, "^", p];
Print[], {p, 26, 29}]
675857535655680304849919087693057930899887829 + 2053352975677225647248849428897869261528900 = 53^26
2053352975677225647248849428897869261528900 + 1100089161598382798438690835729278647469252796 = 54^26
675857535655680304849919087693057930899887829 + 1100089161598382798438690835729278647469252796 = 55^26
97509545048771846906877632146531997884899466216 + 167523300201623773995913641696513925403268159 = 55^27
167523300201623773995913641696513925403268159 + 158715219758096757025533508534303691353204566977 = 56^27
97509545048771846906877632146531997884899466216 + 158715219758096757025533508534303691353204566977 = 57^27
14597663508899169035536438002129116461020344481753 + 7148085092341388610997016678517825551585410248 = 57^28
7148085092341388610997016678517825551585410248 + 23760369273139229384436648397631352217756817261368 = 58^28
14597663508899169035536438002129116461020344481753 + 23760369273139229384436648397631352217756817261368 = 59^28
a + = b59^29
b + = c60^29
a + = c61^29