Accidently I stepped into the following feature: if you have real number in a dataset which are in the range 100000. or above the default displaying mode of the dataset seems to truncate the real numbers after 4 digits. In fact it is much easier to understand the issue by looking at a simple example:
randomData = RandomInteger[{490000, 500000}, 5];
data6 = Map[{#, N[#]} &, randomData];
data100 =
Dataset[Map[Association[Thread[{"Int", "Real"} -> #]] &, data6]]
Executing these lines results in a view similar like the following: Out[1]: display of Dataset
Obviously the integers in column 1 are displayed without truncation, but the corresponding reals are displayed truncated afetr 4 digits. I would not call this a bug, but rather an unexpected and undocumented feature. To be clear: the numbers in the dataset are not truncated which can be proofed by running Normal[Dataset]