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How do I create a Log Plot in 3D?

Hi, I have a table (similar to this) :

aa = {{0.1, 10., 2.1778}, {0.2, 10., 2.36235}, {0.5, 0., 1.90005}, {0.3, 0.,2.01995}, {0.25, 10., 2.03455}, {1., 20., 1.92781},
{2., 40., 1.80698}, {3., 40., 1.84242}, {4., 45., 1.65178}, {6., 45., 1.75104}, {5., 0., 1.68689}}; 

I represent this table as a surface with ListPlot3D, but I'd show the axe of the first component in a logarithmic scale. How do that?

thank you

Kinds regards


2 Replies

The easiest solution is to build it. To do this, you need two things. 1. Take the log of the first components. 2. Change the tic marks for the first components.

  1. There are many ways of doing this. Using a rule is the simplest for many people:

    logaa = aa /. {x, y, z_} -> {Log[x], y, z}

  2. See this tutorial on editing tick marks:

We might define our new tick marks as:

newXticks = Transpose@{Log@FindDivisions[{1, 6}, 5], FindDivisions[{1, 6}, 5]}

and then we can use them:

ListPlot3D[logaa, AxesLabel -> {x, y, z},  Ticks -> {newXticks, Automatic, Automatic}]
POSTED BY: Sean Clarke

Thank you!

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