One way is like this:
startingPlot =
Plot[{0, 1.0812, 2.1096, 2.8883, 3.2302, 4.8815, 5.3394, 5.4031,
5.2447}, {x, 1, 2}];
ShearingTransform[.1Pi, {1, 0}, {0, 1}]], Frame -> True]
A different approach, with different domains for the plots:
values = {0, 1.0812, 2.1096, 2.8883, 3.2302, 4.8815, 5.3394, 5.4031,
Show[Table[Plot[values[[n]], {x, n - 1, n}], {n, Length[values]}],
PlotRange -> All]
Yet another, using ListPlot:
values = {0, 1.0812, 2.1096, 2.8883, 3.2302, 4.8815, 5.3394, 5.4031,
ListPlot[values, PlotMarkers -> "\[LongDash]"]
Do you need the lines to be of some particular colors?