Hi, I am a new user of mathematica. I was trying some functions to get familiar with mathematica. After that, when I input I (imaginary unit), the output only display a red rectangle. And I found, all complex numbers displayed a red rectangle. I can only restart mathematica to solve this problem. So, I want to know how to solve this problem and what cause it. Thanks!
You can visualize complex numbers on the plane:
Graphics[Point[ReIm[{I, 2 - I, I^2, 0}]], Frame -> True]
with Mathematica 10.1 syntax, or
Graphics[Point[Map[{Re[#], Im[#]} &, {I, 2 - I, I^2, 0}]], Frame -> True]
with older syntax.
In Mathematica, the imaginary i is I (capital i), or esc+i+i+esc, or
An example:
In[12]:= Sin[2. + 3. I] Out[12]= 9.1545 - 4.16891 I
In[14]:= Sin[Complex[2., 3]] Out[14]= 9.1545 - 4.16891 I