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problem with WSMSimulateSensitivity

Posted 10 years ago

Hi everybody, I'm not arrive too run the fonction WSMSimulateSensitivity with severals model import from WSM. I don't understand why. Does anyone can help me please?

I have try lot of combinations but nothink.

Join a WSM model and his mathematica notebook.

*My goal with this model is to see the delta of curve of the acceleration of the "oscillant" when the mass of this one vary from 20%

POSTED BY: ludovic rouch
7 Replies

There were two problems with your attempt:

-The 0.2 was in the wrong place

-Sensitivities are only calculated for state variables. You can get a list of state variables with:


You probably want this plot:

WSMPlot[sim3, {{"oscillant.revolute.w", "oscillant.bodyBox.density", 
POSTED BY: Malte Lenz
Posted 10 years ago

Thank you for your help, join my mathematica file please look the graphic is empty : there is no curve. why?

POSTED BY: ludovic rouch

Probably because of a bug in the version of Mathematica you are using. Try:

WSMPlot[sim3, {{"oscillant.revolute.w", "oscillant.bodyBox.density", 
   0.2}}, PerformanceGoal -> "Speed"]
POSTED BY: Malte Lenz
Posted 10 years ago

Hello, Thank you for your answer. Actually curves appear with this syntax .

but in view of the curves i think that the bug is not bypassed: they are not very coherent.

If you have not any idea, too bad I expect the next major update to use this feature.

join my file if you like to see.

Thank you for your help.

POSTED BY: ludovic rouch

Sorry about that, another option should counteract the low plotting resolution:

WSMPlot[sim3, {{"oscillant.revolute.w", "oscillant.bodyBox.density", 
   0.2}}, PerformanceGoal -> "Speed", PlotPoints -> 200]
POSTED BY: Malte Lenz
Posted 10 years ago


I have try your syntax and nothing else: during the simulation of sensitivity curves with + and - 20% "accelerate " instead of slowing. Join the mathematica file.

Thank you for your help.

POSTED BY: ludovic rouch

I think it is behaving correctly. If you look closely at the plot (make it bigger to see better), the revolute.w variable actually gets damped. The oscillations that are increasing in magnitude are the bounds when varying the parameter.

To see this even more clearly, you can look at a smaller part of the plot:

WSMPlot[sim3, {{"oscillant.revolute.w", "oscillant.bodyBox.density", 0.2}}, {40, 42}, PerformanceGoal -> "Speed", PlotPoints -> 200]
POSTED BY: Malte Lenz
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