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DateListPlot in webMathematica doesn't show FrameTicks properly

Posted 10 years ago

It seems that DateListPlot when used in webMathematica (3.3.1) show different output than in desktop Mathematica (10.1).

In desktop Mathematica, if you evalutate

data = {{{2015, 1}, 10}, {{2015, 2}, 6}, {{2015, 3}, 15}};

will show this picture:

desktop Mathematica output

in webMathematica instead, when you call this code (html removed for clarity) in .jsp file from your browser

      data = {{{2015, 1}, 10}, {{2015, 2}, 6}, {{2015, 3}, 15}};

it will show the graph without the vertical and horizontal Ticks:

webMathematica .jsp output

Then I've tried to add FrameTicks -> True (and Frame-> False otherwise it doesn't show them)

      data = {{{2015, 1}, 10}, {{2015, 2}, 6}, {{2015, 3}, 15}};
           ,Frame-> False
           ,FrameTicks -> True]]

the output now shows the ticks, but in Scientific Notation. No way to display the ticks in date format:

enter image description here

It appears as a bug for me, because other functions as Plot[] or ListPlot[] produce a regular output. This strange behavior seems to be peculiar to DateListPlot[].

Does anyone has encountered the same problem or found a workaround?

(I've posted this question also on StackExchange )

POSTED BY: Guido Tripaldi
2 Replies
Posted 9 years ago

I've encountered the same problem with Mathematica v10.0 and .NETLink (evaluateToImage).

A "workaround" that's okay for me is to replace



Sequence@@DeleteCases[Charting`ResolvePlotTheme["Web", DateListPlot], 
 HoldPattern[FrameTicks -> _]]

I hope this helps.

POSTED BY: Peter Aronsson
Posted 10 years ago

I recognize this issue. I am affected by it too, but in my case I see it when I run my program from the Wolfram Script environment (I am not using webMathematica). Under 10.2 I always see the issue when running scripts, but under 10.3 the issue is not preset if the front end is not open.

I can run my script with my Mathematica Front End closed, but I don't think you can do that with webMathematica. I have contacted support and they have reproduced the problem [CASE:3450946].

My script runs automatically everyday in order to generate and email a report. Unfortunately I keep forgetting to close my Mathematica Front End and therefore my report is sometimes missing the ticks. I really would like to have a workaround this issue.

POSTED BY: Gustavo Delfino
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