Hi all.
I am trying to integrate xlnx.dx, for x=2,4, but I get the output below. Why is the output just an expression of the integral? Why is the output not a numerical value? Thanks in advance.
On my system I get -3 + 7 Log[4] as output. Quit Mathematica and try again.
-3 + 7 Log[4]
I have Mathematica on Windows 8.1 and I have no problems with this expression.
There are several solutions:
1.Quit Mathematica and start again.
3.Menu->Evaulation->Quit Kernel->Local
Thanks for the replies. I have tried all suggestions, and the output is still the same. :/
I have Mathematica 10.0.0 Student Edition, running in Windows 8.1 Professional.
Ah, I found the problem..."log" should have been "Log". :)