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How to approximate a bezier curve with a polynom f(x) ?

Posted 10 years ago

Hello everybody

I would like to separate a simple bezier curve into multiple parts (compare image) and approximate every part with a polynom of the form f(x) = y how to convert a bezier curvese into a f(x) function

If adding a case condition e.g. (if x > 10 AND x < 20 then f(x) = ..... ) how is it possible to approximate each part with a polynom?

Cheers, Matt

POSTED BY: Matt Paro
8 Replies
Posted 10 years ago

@Henrik Thanks very much for your answer! Is there a way to export the point coordinates and the slope values (first differential) of the various points which I see when doubleclicking on the graph?

POSTED BY: Matt Paro

Hi Matteo,

of course you can export all those data (using Export) - see attachment.

Regards -- Henrik

POSTED BY: Henrik Schachner

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Simon Cadrin

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Simon Cadrin

... here just comes an improved version.


POSTED BY: Henrik Schachner

Hi Matteo,

as I understand your problem you just need an interpolation of your 2D data. The idea in this case is to consider the x- and the y-coordinates seperately - see my attachment. Maybe this is helpful.

Regards -- Henrik

POSTED BY: Henrik Schachner
Posted 10 years ago

Dear Mr. Dulgerci

It is a big surprise and pleasure to have gotten your reply! I appreciate your answer a lot.

After using the function InterpolatingPolynomial[] I am not sure, though, as to whether or not my goals can be reached in mathematica or at all.

Please have a look at the document and tell me whether it is possible to achieve those goals. The interpolation is not giving me a very good fit on the targeted shape (paro2.nb).

Best regards, Matteo

POSTED BY: Matt Paro
Posted 10 years ago

Is this what you are looking for?

POSTED BY: Okkes Dulgerci
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