I am using Mathematica on a Pi 2, found some code-examples (for sure most of them were made on other computers), try them on my Pi - and some of them give only "$Aborted" out (cpu-usage goes down after that and nothing seems to happen anymore)....but why? Is it possibly Pi-(ram/speed/space)-related? Or code-related?
This here for example:
S[n_, t_] := Sin[n*3 Pi/50 + t];
Plot[100 -
n + (20*Abs[S[n, t]] + .02)*
Exp[-(x - 4*S[n, t])^2/Abs[S[n, t]]], {x, -10, 10},
PlotStyle -> Directive[White, Thick],
PlotRange -> {{-7, 7}, {0, 100}}, Filling -> Axis,
FillingStyle -> White, Axes -> False, AspectRatio -> Full,
ImageSize -> {500, 750},
Background -> RGBColor[54/255, 70/255, 93/255]], {n, 1, 100,
1}]], {t, .001, 2 Pi + .001, (2 Pi + .001)/30}]
Or this
G[p_, q_, a_, b_, c_, t_] :=
Graphics[Table[{Opacity[.7], White,
Disk[{.71*Cos[a (.05*t + n)*Pi/500 + p],
Cos[b (.05*t + n)*Pi/500 + q]}, .002*
Cos[c (.05*t + n)*Pi/500] + .005]}, {n, 1, 1000}],
PlotRange -> {{-.715, .715}, {-1.005, 1.005}},
Background -> RGBColor[54/255, 70/255, 93/255], ImageSize -> 500]
Show[G[0, .2, 29, 13, 11, t], G[0, .2, 19, 31, 9, t],
G[.3, .29, 3, 23, 17, t], G[0, .3, 43, 7, 3, t],
G[.1, .13, 31, 19, 2, t]], {t, 1, 20, 1}]
Any ideas why they don't work/output is $Aborted in notebook? Can someone confirm that they do not work, or do I something wrong maybe?