The documentation on CellGroupingRules has a warning that it is not fully integrated. However, because it is used in the standard supplied StyleSheets, I am guessing that it may be around for a while.
In any case, the documentation for CellGroupingRules is sparse. Can anyone point me to something with a little more detail?
I am trying to back out what CellGroupingRules should do by looking at various style sheets---but I am hopeful that someone might have a pointer.
In my case, I'm building a private style sheet from scratch. I'm not using the Default styles, so my private style sheet starts like this:
StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> "Default.nb"]
StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> "StyleMenuClear.nb"]
I'd like to control automatic grouping. As a familiar example, here might be a set of Styles for a private stylesheet for a book. (This is not what I am doing, but hopefully serves to illustrate)
I've tried doing this by using manual grouping in the style sheet editor, this doesn't seem to work.
Book always starts a new cell group
Chapter is subgrouped with its particular
Section is subgrouped with its particular
FigureTitle is subgrouped to whatever is immediately above (*having the effect of closing the figures and captions and retaining the title*)
Figure is subgrouped to a
FigureCaption is subgrouped to a
Text is subgrouped to whatever is immediately above.
ReferencesList is subgrouped to a Chapter, but is not subgrouped to Section
IndexList is subgrouped to a
Book, but nothing else.