I've tried to get this kind of formula working on wolfram alpha:
{ n ? ? > 1 : gcd(n,30) = 1 }
{ n ? n ? ?, n?1, 2?n, 3?n, 5?n }
Both should produce similar sequence of numbers (SON):
That I want to again use on other formula.
So is it possible to create a set:
a) such which has positive integers greater than 1 and which will produce 1 as a greatest common divider
or set:
b) such which has no numbers 1 or numbers with a product of 2, or numbers with a product of 3, or numbers with a product of 5?
Basicly I'm already stuck with the notation of n in Elements: n ? ? , how to do it plus I can't get result outputting the SON mentioned above.
I have tried this: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=%7B+n+?+N+%3E+1+%3A+gcd%28n%2C+30%29+%3D+1+%7D+assume+n+variable