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Data Drop: How do I import arbitrary JSON?

Posted 10 years ago

I'd love some advice or a guide to follow for importing JSON into the Data Drop platform. The docs are leading me to creating a Custom API (specifically, APIFunction and CloudDeploy); however, if there was an example to follow, that would be stellar.

POSTED BY: Neil Mansilla
4 Replies

You can store your data as json in the databin and import it after reading it from the databin.

In[22]:= bin = CreateDatabin[];

In[23]:= DatabinAdd[
  bin, <|"myjson" -> 
    ExportString[<|"a" -> <|"a1" -> 1, "a2" -> RandomInteger[100]|>|>,
  bin, <|"myjson" -> 
    ExportString[<|"a" -> <|"a1" -> 2, "a2" -> RandomInteger[100]|>|>,

In[25]:= data = Values[bin]

Out[25]= <|"myjson" -> {"{
   }", "{

In[26]:= ImportString[#, "RawJSON"] & /@ data["myjson"]

Out[26]= {<|"a" -> <|"a1" -> 1, "a2" -> 100|>|>, <|"a" -> <|"a1" -> 2,
     "a2" -> 60|>|>}
POSTED BY: Bob Sandheinrich
Posted 9 years ago

Is there a good way to separate nested JSON?

POSTED BY: Nathan Davis

Neil, You can send json data directly to a databin. Here is an example:

In[1]:= bin = CreateDatabin[]

Out[1]= Databin["....."]

In[2]:= json = 
 ExportString[{"x" -> 11, "y" -> "foo", "z" -> True}, "JSON"]

Out[2]= "{
    \"x\": 11,
    \"y\": \"foo\",
    \"z\": true

In[3]:= URLFetch[
 "" <> bin["UUID"],
  "Body" -> json, "Headers" -> {"Content-Type" -> "application/json"},
  "Method" -> "POST"]

Out[3]= "<|\"Message\" -> \"The data was successfully added.\", \"Bin\
\" -> \"DD56f1e2eac88-e905-4ee5-8b18-7c4bd6072f3c\", \"Data\" -> \
<|\"x\" -> 11, \"y\" -> \"foo\", \"z\" -> True|>, \"Timestamp\" -> \
{2015, 7, 27, 13, 34, 52.135154`8.46970563570117}, \"DataID\" -> \
\"data0bcbcb32-146b-44f5-bcc2-caf713ac9b7d\", \"Information\" -> \
{\"EntryCount\" -> 1, \"LatestTimestamp\" -> 3646992892, \"Size\" -> \

In[4]:= Values[bin]

A couple of things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure the "Content-Type" header in your request is set to "application/json"
  • Data Drop will use the first level of parameters in the json submission. It will not separate nested
POSTED BY: Bob Sandheinrich

Hi Neil, this really depends on the type of JSON that you are trying to import. The following is a dataset that I created for Barcelona's bike sharing system using CityBikes JSON API. Every three minutes the total number of parked bicycles is being added to a Databin:

bin = CreateDatabin[]


 DatabinAdd[bin, <| "bicycles" -> 
    Total["bikes" /. Import["", "JSON"]]|>], 180]




POSTED BY: Bernat Espigulé
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