Dear Mathematica users:
As attached. I have two very long trigonometric expressions (Expression1 and Expression2). I try to Simplify Expression1 however it fails. Then, I try to use MySimplify (defined by Simplify[ExpToTrig[Simplify[TrigToExp[x]]]]), it gets a simplified expression (SExpression1) easily. Ok, this may indicate that I should always use MySimplify for long trigonometric expressions.
However, when I use MySimplify to simplify the second Expression2, it fails again. However, I can straightly use the default Simplify to get SExpression2.
This is so crazy. Why the Mathematica Simplify can be so unstable? I don't require the Mathematica Simplify to find the most simplified expression every time. However, I need it to have a solution every time. Don't just stop there arbitrarily. This makes my research so difficult since I have a program that need to simplify long trigonometric expressions several times in a loop.
ps, I use Mathematica 8 with 32 GB RAM.
CC Tsai