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Is Integration with other JavaScript UI frameworks possible?

Posted 10 years ago

I have only just now begun learning about the Wolfram Cloud product. I am curious if it is possible to leverage existing JavaScript frameworks such as Kendo UI, GreenSock, etc? Or is the Wolfram Cloud environment constrained solely to Wolfram Language UI controls? If it is possible to incorporate Kendo UI, is there an equivalent component to the WebSharper Extensions for Kendo UI Complete product?

POSTED BY: Calvin Craig
3 Replies

If you want, you can you can always use the Compile function and then use the llvm to asm.js compiler. I don't know anyone who has done this or how useful that would be.

You may also want to consider the EmbedCode function. That might be easier to use than APIFunction.

The only language I know that really does what you're talking about that people actually use is ClojureScript and even it is a partial implementation of Clojure. I guess people also use ASM.js as noted above. The other examples on the list are either toy or productivity related languages which were designed to higher level versions of Javascript or a compiler that supports too little of the language to be really useful. I guess this is part of the reason why llvm is so cool.

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
Posted 10 years ago

That's too bad. And frankly it's rather astonishing to me that the world's most powerful programming language system doesn't yet leverage and embrace the plethora of existing web technologies (since the web is the most universal publishing platform). And it's all the more surprising considering the large number of programming languages that do provide some sort of JavaScript trans-compilation.

It seems then that one is limited to using text-templating techniques to emit JavaScript source code if one wishes to leverage these other frameworks.

POSTED BY: Calvin Craig

The Wolfram Cloud isn't a Javascript framework or library. It's a full application and you can make interactive notebooks that you can share with other people.

The short answer is no - nothing like what you're describing has been built so you can mix Wolfram Language code in Javascript like you suggested. There are ways of using Wolfram Language code on a webpage such as APIFunction.

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
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