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Is it possible to have a 3D dynamic function in wolfram alpha pro?

Posted 9 years ago

I am considering buying pro, but I am wondering if it is possible to create an animation of a 3D function. For example, a function z=sin(x+y+t), where x and y are coordinate axis, and t is a variable (time), and such that t is varied to create an animation. It would be possible to vary it myself and create an animation, but can it be done automatically? If not, can it be done on mathematica?

POSTED BY: Hamish Trowell
3 Replies

Is there a maximum input length in Mathematica for a function

No. Wolfram|Alpha has a finite length because it's meant for fairly simple queries. Mathematica is used for very complicated calculations which might require a lot of programming.

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
Posted 9 years ago

Your answer came just after I bought wolfram alpha pro, I shouldn't have been so impatient! I may have to buy Mathematica as well... Is there a maximum input length in Mathematica for a function as there is when plotting a graph in alpha? It's causing a lot of problems for me right now.

POSTED BY: Hamish Trowell

This is something I would use Mathematica or Mathematica Online for. I didn't see any examples of this on the Wolfram|Alpha example page. And if you can make these in Wolfram|Alpha, you probably don't get a the level of control you want when making 3D animations.

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
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