Hi, I am trying to write a function that will repeat this process an arbitrary amount of times. The process is to take the moving average of a list, and then Riffle back into the original list. Each time given the mean value between consecutive numbers in the list. I'd like to us a function to tell how many times the process should be repeated for any given list. So that for the second call to the function the consecutive elements of the list are again divided in half and then Riffled back into the previous list. This seems like a good job for the Nest or Fold functions. However I haven't had much luck. Any suggestions or alternative methods? Thus far I've tried the code below, which defines a functions to compute the moving average and then Riffles afterward. V1 below. And code the Riffles explicitly in the function. However I fail to properly Nest the function, as it fails after only 1 Nesting call. V2 below.
x = N@Range@10;
s[x_] := MovingAverage[x, 2];
Riffle[#, Nest[s, #, #2]] &[x, 1]
scheduler[{x_, y_}] :=
tempSchedule = x;
tempSchedule =
Riffle[tempSchedule, MovingAverage[tempSchedule, y]]
Nest[scheduler, {x, 2}, 1]