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Initializing kernels

Posted 9 years ago

i have been a great fan of Wolfram research for many years, and recently i decided to give my self a present, i have used Mathematica at work before, but i need something at home to help with my own personal research. To be honest i am disappointed and frustrated. after installation it worked just just fine. but I decided to shut down my computer, which is what you do after you are finished with your work. but the program CANNOT start anymore. since that first initial installation, i have done all i could the program does not start. I am disappointed and definitely want a refund. this is a program full of bugs and should out of the market. They need to polish it and clean out all the bugs and only then, they can sell it to the public. this is reminiscent of ORACLE version 2. the reason Oracle released version instead of version was because everyone knows that version one is usually full of bugs, so they released version two instead, which was a bugs house. i hope they clean this nonsense meanwhile i want a refund, and it has already taken 4 days of discussion because they don't want to refund me my money back

POSTED BY: christian Martin
Posted 9 years ago

Hi Christian, mine too stopped working this morning, however, if you head over to this link and see the second article it will explain whats happened and a very quick fix, hope this helps


POSTED BY: Paul Cleary
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