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SSL Certificate

Posted 9 years ago

I'm trying to download an HTML HTTPS document using Import[]. Mathematica tells me it can't establish a connection because it doesn't like the SSL certificate, which it tells me I need to inspect and accept. However, it gives me no clue as to how to accomplish either of the latter.

Does anyone know how to do these things to Mathematica's satisfaction?

POSTED BY: Louis Talman
2 Replies

The first line of the code you suggest results in a null assignment to the variable a. After the curl is executed, evaluating the variable a returns nothing. Wrapping FullForm[] around it returns the word Null. Executing the curl instruction in a terminal window results in the error message:

curl: (58) unable to use client certificate (no key found or wrong pass phrase?)

I have no trouble accessing the site in question in any of the web browsers I've tried---even Firefox, which is pretty picky about such matters. And Mathematica has no trouble when I use it from a MacBook Air (that's too small for "production" use).

I'm at a loss to know what "SomeFunction" ought to be in this case.

I'm using Mathematica v8.0.4.0 on an iMac running OS X 10.7.5

POSTED BY: Louis Talman

Can you possible use this code

a = RunThrough["curl -E myCert.pem", 1]
For[ i=0, i < Length[a] , i++, SomeFunction[a]]

from here? Otherwise please consider to give more information about the actions and reactions taken, if nothing else helps even including screen shots using the Image import function of this Community. Give a hint about the OS and so on ... ... ...

POSTED BY: Udo Krause
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