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Why Mathematica cannot show the usage information normally?

Posted 9 years ago

Today,when I load a package in my Mathematica 10.2 ChineseSimplified edition. The Mathematica cannot show the help information normally. Then I also tested the built-in Plot[]

enter image description here

Is there a method to revise it?thanks a lot:)

POSTED BY: Shutao Tang
2 Replies

I think this has been addressed in Mathematica 10.3. Until a localized version is released, try the following

1) Disable the Suggestions bar

2) Evaluate $UserBaseDirectory, close Mathematica and delete everything in Paclets in that location.

POSTED BY: Ilian Gachevski
Posted 9 years ago

Dear Ilian Gachevski,

Thanks @Ilian Gachevski a lot for your solution and I will have a trial. I have asked my classmate to test this case in Mathematica 10.2.0 on his laplop , however, it works well on his PC. ChineseSimplified edition I unstalled the Mathematica 10.2.0 ChineseSimplified edition and then reinstalled it. Unfortunately, it still cannot show the information normally.

POSTED BY: Shutao Tang
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