I am trying to send an image file via HTTP Post. I can do this in Java, but I can't seem to get it working with URLExecute. I have further details on Mathematica StackExchange (bounty of 100). The only answer so far seems to suggest that this is a limitation of URLExecute and can't be done?
If it isn't possible where do you log a bug/enhancement request?
Copy of MSE post
I have to submit a form like as follows:
<input type="file" name="jpgFile">
I can't seem to find any instructions on sending this in URLExecute. If I specify the file name as the parameter it fails. If I try Import[filename, "JPG"]
of the image it also fails as invalid.
I thought his might work, but I get an error "Iteration limit of 4096 exceeded"
. This suggests it might be working as test file is 451,107 bytes.
URLExecute[ url,
"Method" -> "POST",
"Headers" -> {
"Accept" -> "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
"MultipartElements" -> {
{"jpgFile", "file"} -> "test.jpg"
So this is another example. In this instance I am sending a text file and this appears to work.
testData = Import["test.txt","Text"];
"Method" -> "POST",
"Headers" -> {
"Accept" -> "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
"MultipartElements" -> {
{"textData", "text/plain"} -> testData
From a Java point of view, the following actually works: http://stackoverflow.com/a/17174260/1167890
I would like not to be forced back into Java/MathLink if possible though.