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Wrong result in mathematical model

Posted 10 years ago

I am a retired Electrical engineer, I have coded a model of a full wave rectified power supply. I have been using the model in Mathematica and Matlab.

The results are very close to what is expected with the Matlab model. However, Mathematica is giving the result for variable "BleederDischTime" off by a factor of 10^6 power. The equations are identical in the Mathematica model and the Matlab model. They were cut and pasted from Matlab to Mathematica. With proper fixing up of function brackets and equal signs of course. This truly appears to be a mathematica "bug" to me. I have to divide the "BleederDischTime" result, in Mathematica by 10^6 to get the same result Matlab gives without the same division. What is interesting is that I use a factor 0f 10^6 to convert Farads to Microfarads after the calculations are done for output. It seems unrelated to the "wrong result" described above. What could be going on here? I will post the Mathematica and identical Matlab files here. Thank you all!

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