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WolframWorkbench on Ubuntu 15.10 - can't launch

Posted 9 years ago

After installing the WolframWorkbench on Ubuntu 15.10, I can't launch the program. I think, my brain is blocked, so Iblocked, that I can't accomplish this task. HOW CAN I DO IT?

thx Arthur

6 Replies

How are you trying to run Wolfram Workbench?

What happens when you when you try to run it. Do you see any messages?

You may consider contacting Wolfram Technical Support:

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke

I try to run it from the command line - but nothing happens, no message. I have sent an email to the support.

Awaiting the answer from Wolfram support, I installed eclipse and then 'new software' from But that's not the right way, downloading the workbench without eclipse I expected to start the workbench directly.

Does the installer come as a bash script? Does it has "sh" as a file extension? Can you run that script? Does it appear to work?

You said you tried to run it from command line, but nothing happened. Can you give a sample of what the command line look like? Usually there's an error message or something that would appear. Does it hang or does it simply return to the commmand line without doing anything?

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke

I had to install as a root (sudo; what seems strange, the installation finished in a view seconds. Then I started the workbench, no message.


I have got a new link from the support - it works.

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