I would also like to see Mathematica support this kind of graph, and also a stacked line graph such as:

While I realize such graphs can be scaled to give a false impression to a naive viewer, they are none-the-less useful and in wide use. The scaling trick employed in the linked example would not be employed by a serious author, accepted by journal referees, or deceive readers of reputable journals.
Additionally, I would like to see Wolfram commit to supporting the types of graphics most typically employed in scientific journals, with built-in functionality, such that it can be conveniently used without low level programming. If I were doing this myself, I would first assemble a list of representative journals. (My list would include Science, Nature, Physical Review, IEEE Spectrum, . . . ) I would review the author guidelines for each, and then the graphics actually printed in some past collection of articles. I would use this as a guide to improving the graphics capabilities of the core Mathematica product.
Kind regards,