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[GIF] Ennea (nonagons centered on unit circle)

Twenty 9-gons rotating on a blue background


I described some of my difficulties making this in this thread, where you can also see the (slightly gross) solution I eventually came up with.

Anyway, technical details aside, this is conceptually pretty simple: 20 regular 9-gons centered on points on the unit circle, rotating. It was inspired by some work of Thomas Davis.

Given the technique used to produce it, a Manipulate is kind of pointless, so here's the exact code used to generate the GIF:

ninegons = Module[{n, m, cols},
   n = 9;
   m = 20;
   cols = Insert[#, First[#], 4] &[RGBColor /@ {"#E45171", "#F8A79B", "#F8D99B", "#002C6A"}];
       imglist = Table[Graphics[Table[{FaceForm[Directive[Blend[cols[[;; 4]], Mod[\[Theta]/(2 \[Pi]), 1]], Opacity[.1]]], 
            EdgeForm[Directive[Blend[cols[[;; 4]], Mod[\[Theta]/(2 \[Pi]), 1]], Thickness[.004]]], 
            Polygon[Table[{Cos[\[Theta] + \[Pi]/2] + Cos[\[Phi] + \[Theta] + 2 \[Pi]/n (1/2 - Cos[t]/2 + Mod[n/4, 1])], 
               Sin[\[Theta] + \[Pi]/2] + Sin[\[Phi] + \[Theta] + 2 \[Pi]/n (1/2 - Cos[t]/2 + Mod[n/4, 1])]}, 
                {\[Phi], 0, 2 \[Pi] - 2 \[Pi]/n, 2 \[Pi]/n}]]}, 
            {\[Theta], 2 \[Pi] i/m, 2 \[Pi] (m + i - 2)/m, 2 \[Pi]/m}], 
          PlotRange -> 3, ImageSize -> 540, Background -> None], 
          {i,1, m}];
       ImageCompose[Graphics[Background -> cols[[5]], ImageSize -> 540], Blend[imglist]]
       ], {t, 0, \[Pi] - #, #}] &[\[Pi]/40]];

Export[NotebookDirectory[] <> "ninegons.gif", ninegons, "DisplayDurations" -> {1/24}]
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Awesome! Makes me want to try re-creating some of this guy's stuff.

POSTED BY: Tom Ackerman

@Tom Ackerman I have seen a lot of similar works, including those by PATAKK. Here is a fluid polyhedral blob from PATAKK:

enter image description here

And here is Wolfram Language version that a user named Rahul built on Stack Exchange forum:

enter image description here

poly = Geodesate[PolyhedronData["Dodecahedron", "Faces"], 4];

amplitude = 0.15;
twist = 4;
verts = poly[[1]];
faces = poly[[2]];
phases = RandomReal[2 Pi, Length[verts]];
newverts[t_] := 
  MapIndexed[{Sequence @@ (RotationMatrix[twist Last[#1]].Most[#1]), 
      Last[#1]} (1 + amplitude Sin[t + phases[[First@#2]]]) &, 
newpoly[t_] := GraphicsComplex[newverts[t], faces];

duration = 1.5;
fps = 24;
frames = Most@
   Table[Graphics3D[{EdgeForm[], newpoly[t]}, 
     PlotRange -> Table[{-(1 + amplitude), (1 + amplitude)}, {3}], 
     ViewPoint -> Front, Background -> Black, Boxed -> False], {t, 0, 
     2 Pi, 2 Pi/(duration fps)}];
ListAnimate[frames, fps]
POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov

Beautiful, @Clayton Shonkwiler and quite hypnotic.

POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov

Very nice. You might consider also submitting a version to

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau
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