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Print Text with Notebook automatic Equation Formating

Posted 9 years ago

Hi all there, I hope everyone is fine and happy. I am trying to use Mathematica as an equation editor because I like the formatting that Mathematica gives to the equations automatically. Which is: enter image description here

But when I convert the Formula to text I get smaller brackets, like this:

enter image description here

My question is, how can I convert Expressions to Text keeping the Automatic formatting of Mathematica without the colors?

Thank you in advance for your help and time.

Wishing you Joy and Happiness

POSTED BY: Juan Tamara
7 Replies
Posted 9 years ago

Hi Gianluca,

thank you for the tip. It has worked: 1. Formatting (Size,Font, etc...) 2. InLine Cell (Insert > Typesetting > Start inline cell) Paste inside 3. Copy InLineCell into a= "...<Paste here>..." 4. Export [Arg1, a]

Do you have any Idea how to make it Programmatically?

Thank You very much for your Help and Time

POSTED BY: Juan Tamara

You can type a formula into an input cell, and then, without evaluating, you convert the cell to TraditionalForm by using the menu

Cell > Convert To > TraditionalForm.

Then you copy and paste into "".

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni

Have you tried typing your formula into an inline cell? First start a text cell with Format > Style > Text, then Insert > Typesetting > Start inline cell. The inline cells are signaled by a pink background color when the insertion point is inside them. When I type or paste into an inline cell, the parentheses preserve their size.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 9 years ago

Hi Gianluca,

I did not understand your method. I tried using Traditional Form, but I lost the brackets for big formulas. And I could not Print the Traditional Form if the Mathematical expression is not consistent with mathematica Input format, for example I could not Print the formula

enter image description here without using the "..." (TraditionalForm["...."]), and then I lose the mathematica Automatic Formatting.

here is the Equation in PlainText : 1/(R(r)) ([DifferentialD]/[DifferentialD]r)(r^2[DifferentialD]/[DifferentialD]r)R(r)-2(mr^2)V(r)-E]=[ScriptL

POSTED BY: Juan Tamara
Posted 9 years ago

Hi David,

thank you for your help and time. Well I convert to Text by adding "...." at the begining and end of the Input. I have tried also Text [...] but the syntax has to be correct for Mathematica and therefore not flexible for what I need. I have to use the "...", in any case I get the small brackets and lose the original Mathematica Formatting. I am using Mathematica 10. To make it clearer, here is my Master Plan:

Step 1. Formating the Equation -> Font, Color, etc.... -----Here is where the problem is, since I can only format it with Style ["...", Arg1, Arg2, etc... ], but to use the Style function I have to put my equation in quoting marks "..." and there I lose the Automatic Formatting of Mathematica. Step 2. Export the Equation (no Copy paste)-> Good Resolution image PNG or EPS.

If I format the Input Cell Using the Format Tab/Ribbon I cannot export as EPS or PNG, and the Formatting looks different, I donĀ“t like it.

One solution of my Question would be: 1. is there a Function option that defines the Fomatting of an Input Cell (conserve the Bracket Size) 2. What if the name of that Function 3. How can I use it to Format my Text with the Style[ ]. Obviously this is just one way of solving the problem, but I would gladly read a solution even with other route.

POSTED BY: Juan Tamara

When I compose a formula in TraditionalForm, copy it and paste it into double quotes, Mma asks me "do you want to wrap the pasted TraditionalForm expression in a FormBox?". I answer OK. Then the large parentheses are preserved in the pasted formula. It is somewhat tricky, but it works for me.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni

When you say "convert formulas to text, how exactly are you doing that? For example, are you originally creating the formula in an Input Cell, then copying it, and then pasting it in-line into a Text Cell? Give a bit more detail on your exact process and I'm sure I or someone else can advise. But generally you should be able to have exactly the same formatting that you see in your first example above in a Text context.

The colors are occurring because you are creating your equation in an Input cell. Since and Input cell is active and can be executed there is syntax coloring. If you are wishing to have a formula in its own cell but not have it active and only use it for displaying, change the cell's style to, for example, DisplayFormula or if you want it numbered, DisplayFormulaNumbered when using the default stylesheet.

To do this select the cell's CellBracket and choose the style from the Format/Style menu.

Give us some other details if this is not what you are trying to do.

POSTED BY: David Reiss
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